In Our Home: Hospitality for Everyone


We view the ministry of hospitality in our home as God’s tool for us to train our children in graciousness. When someone comes to our home, our children know that we expect them to be gracious and quick to serve. That means welcoming adult guests properly, asking if there is something they can get for them, taking their coats or whatever is appropriate to the visit (“hospitality drills” are a helpful way to train them in this area).


Our children know that being well-mannered and gracious is more than just a cultural formality… it is the way we show respect to another person, affirm their value as a person made in God’s image, and strengthen our testimony to them not only as a Christian family, but as a home-schooling family. Even when we go to someone else’s house, we still practice hospitality. We rehearse with the kids before they leave the care how to be gracious guests who are polite, respectful, and helpful.