A membership site committed to helping women grow in the areas of Discipleship, Motherhood, Education, Home, and Leadership.


Become the Lifegiving Mother You Know You Were Meant to Be

Find the help and hope you long for on Life with Sally



I'm Sally, and I've been encouraging moms in Christ for over forty years. I've mentored and discipled women personally, in small groups, in Bible studies, and through events and conferences.

In the past two decades, God has also allowed me to touch many more lives, both in the states and internationally, through my books, blogging, podcasts, and webinars.

I still love connecting with so many women in all those ways, but Life with Sally is a unique online community. I hope that it can be become a breath of fresh spiritual air for you.

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For more about Sally, go to the ABOUT page in the navigation menu.

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If you’re here to find the Meet-Up, it is a special feature of the Life with Sally subscription membership community. Click the blue button above to subscribe now to Life with Sally. You can cancel anytime.

This is the help and hope I wish I'd had for my own journey of motherhood.


You have so many choices on the internet. Deciding how to invest your time wisely online as a Christian mom is always a challenge. I want Life with Sally to be a positive choice for you.

As an older mother now of four grown children and three beloved grandchildren, I invest my time here to give back to moms like you the wisdom and truth I've learned in my long mom walk with God.

Life with Sally can help you be the loving and faithful mom you want to be.


When you subscribe to Life with Sally, you'll gain access to a deep well of lifegiving content. We’ll keep that well full of rich content:

  • Inspiration—Bible study, talks on books, art, home, education, and more

  • Legacy—Messages from my 20+ years of speaking and events ministry

  • Resources—Special series on books, original media, posters, and more

  • Connections—Groups, social media, my app, and other ways to connect

I promise that your heart-bucket will always come up filled with lifegiving help and hope when you dip into Life with Sally.

Join hundreds of other Christian moms like you already enjoying Life with Sally.

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If you’re ready to join me and other moms like you today, just click the "I Want to Join Now!" button below, choose a membership plan, and start enjoying all that Life with Sally has to offer.

Not quite yet sure? Then just click the "I Want to Know More" button for a personal message from me and a small taste of what you’ll find on Life with Sally. Either way, start today!

Let us fill up your mom heart to fill up your child's heart to follow God's heart.


You'll find all this and more only on Life with Sally

  • Time with Sally — An exclusive, members-only monthly video with Sally sharing her personal thoughts with you over tea.

  • Word with Sally — Inspiration, motivation, and spiritual reflections from Sally’s personal Bible study and devotional times.

  • Learning with Sally — Topical unit studies based on Awaking Wonder, and practical and personal insights on home education.

  • Legacy with Sally — Encouragement in four areas of life curated from two decades of Sally's conference ministry (only here on LWS).

  • Discipleship Helps — Topical series, podcasts, and courses by Sally about what it means to be a disciple of Christ and a godly mom.

  • Lifegiving Living — Curated content by Sally and Inspirer friends on how to cultivate a lifegiving lifestyle in your home and relationships.

  • Posters & Printables — Original graphics and posters with inspiring and motivation content drawn from Sally’s books and writings.

  • Search & Archive — And when you just want to browse the LWS site, the Archives page provides easy search and a helpful directory.

  • Connections — As an online community, we encourage connecting with other members via groups, social media, and our mobile app.

  • And More — There will always be surprises on LWS, with special member-only offers, insider news, live stream events, and more.



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The very brief window of childhood will close so much sooner than you expect.

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Life does go by so quickly. You know you have a short time to be the kind of mother you want to be for your precious children.

I hope you'll let me be a seasoned voice of lifegiving help and hope to be that mom that you see in your heart.

Let me join you on your journey of motherhood with God. Will you join me today on Life with Sally?


LifewithSally.com is a paid subscription membership website. All proceeds from this site accrue only to Whole Heart Ministries, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) Christian organization, not to any individuals or other organizations. All proceeds support only the mission and ministry of WHM to Christian parents in the USA and around the world. Your subscription payments are not tax deductible.