Navigating the Forum

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Robin Ludwig, a Life with Sally member, wrote a wonderful illustrated guide to using the forum.  We hope you'll join us there!!  Scroll down to read or print out the PDF for your use.  

Welcome to the Life with Sally Forum – we’re so glad you’re here and can’t wait to meet you! The following information will assist you as you engage in life-giving conversation with like-minded mamas.

From the Life with Sally membership homepage, click on Forum. Register for an account if you haven’t already done so.

Once in the forum, you’ll see an icon with your initials. Click it to reveal User Name, Profile, Settings, Edit Profile, and Followed Content.

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Click on Profile, then click the pencil icon to edit your information.

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Tell us a little about yourself! Feel free to add family photos and update your profile picture. To update your profile photo, click on the icon above your user name (upper left corner).

Once your profile is set to your liking, it’s time to join in on the conversation! To post a question or start a discussion, click the three white horizontal lines in the top left corner, above your gorgeous profile picture.

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Click Categories or Topics to get started. Both links take you to the same information, just displayed differently. Toggle back and forth to see your preference.

To ask a question, take a poll, or start a rousing discussion, click on Start New Topic.

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Give it a concise title that tells other mamas what’s on your heart.

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Type your profound thoughts in the content box; feel free to add photos and emojis to your heart’s content.

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Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Select a Category, then choose the category that best fits your topic. You can use the paperclip icon to attach documents and the camera icon to attach photos. Once your content is complete and category is chosen, click Post!

If your personal email’s inbox becomes a bit busy with notifications after you’ve joined the forum, you may decide to adjust your settings to receive fewer emails. To do this, click the down arrow near your profile picture on the right hand side.

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Click on Settings and scroll down to Preferences.

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Choose the level of activity that best suits your inclinations.

·       None means you won’t receive any forum updates

·       Topics I Start means you’ll only receive email notifications when someone comments on your post

·       Topics I Post In will send emails when others comment on the posts in which you’ve commented

·       All Topics will notify you every time someone posts in the forum

There’s no need to click save once your updated your preference, it automatically changes and saves for you!


These basics will get you started as you navigate the Life with Sally forum. Thanks for joining us in this space!