Forum Live Instructions 2019

Misty, Gretchen and I are so excited about the Forum Live Events for 2019!

Please join us on September 13, October 11 , and November 8 for live events at 6-7 pm Pacific time (9-10 pm Eastern).

Here are some helpful hints:

  1. Find the Forum here.

  2. Scroll down to find Forum Live Events in the Category list.

  3. In that category, you will find a thread for the current Forum Live Event. Click there to join the conversation.


4. Be sure to refresh your browser every few minutes to see the posts as they come.

5. Once there are several posts, they will spill over to a second and third page, etc. Click the arrow to the right to move to the next page.

forum 2.jpg

6. Jump in and join the conversation!