Brandee Knowles

Brandee is a wife, mother, and Mom Heart leader who enjoys food arts and teaching others what she has learned.

More About Brandee


Tell us about your family, your children, and the daily life of your home.           

Kevin and I have been married for 27 years this May. Our youngest daughter is now married and adventuring through life with her husband Jason. Our oldest daughter has relocated to San Antonio, TX. Daily life is full! Kevin and I both work full time and keep busy in our empty nest.


Tell us when you started to follow Jesus, and about your journey with Him.

It all started with a church bus driving by our apartment complex every Sunday and me begging my mama to let me go to church (really I just wanted to be on that bus full of kids) at the age of five. Mama let me go, then proceeded to follow that bus all the way to church! We found Jesus there. It changed our lives and the legacy for our family forever! Although there were rough seasons, hurt, betrayal, and lots of questions to come in my late teens and early 20’s that led me on the prodigal road, I’m so thankful Jesus was waiting with open arms when I decided to turn back and dig for a deeper faith on my own. That is when I truly knew without a doubt I would follow Jesus the rest of my life; no turning back, no turning back. Romans 8:31-39 is what sold me! NOTHING can separate me from God’s love.


What ministry or work in your community gives you personal fulfillment? 

I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Whole Heart Ministries in different capacities over the last 12 years. It gives me great joy to walk alongside other Mamas who are striving to be the best version of themselves as God's beloved and be an encouragement and a safe place to find rest. I love making my Mom Heart Group a homemade meal, sitting around the table and sharing our hearts. I just feel the desire to let all women who cross my path know that they are enough and that God has very special purpose already laid out for each and every one of them.


What hobbies or activities do you most enjoy pursuing in your free time? 

Now that the girls are grown and out on their own, I am enjoying all of the same hobbies that bring me joy; reading, learning, growing and investing in my spirit and soul through time spent with my main man Jesus, friends and family, Mom Heart group, cooking, running, crochet and scrapbooking, and tending to my garden and chickens in the warmer months! I also pursue teaching cooking classes in my free time and discipling women one-on-one.


Thinking of books you’ve read, which authors have influenced you most? 

So many, but to name a few; the Clarksons (of course), Jean Stratton Porter, CS Lewis, Tolkien, David Lomas, Emily P. Freeman, Francis Schaeffer, and the list goes on..


When it’s just you, what music or musicians do you most enjoy listening to?

I really love worship (hymns), instrumental music, and movie or musical soundtracks. I'm an 80's kid, so there's that! Any 80's pop, rock or country is fun and floods the memory. Anyone who really knows me knows that I grew up on Keith Green, Amy Grant, peppered with a little Petra because that was rock-n-roll in my home growing up! I also enjoy some of the current alternative music artists.


What books of the Bible, and what specific passages, mean the most to you?

Romans is one of my favorite books of the bible as well as Psalms. I have many life verses, but the one that means the most to me is Romans 8:31-39


What are you passionate about, and who inspires you to be even more so? 

I am passionate about helping women to know that God loves them. I often do that through gentle conversation over good food. People who inspire me to live well are my mom, my mentors, and the word of God.



How did you first connect with Sally Clarkson and Whole Heart Ministries?

When we moved to Colorado, I joined a co-op for homeschool families. Sally was the Mom’s Support Group leader. What I didn’t realize at the time is that a friend of mine from California had given me Educating the Whole Hearted Child book when Kevin and I were considering home education and Sally and Clay were the authors of said book!
