Meet Gretchen Roberts

Gretchen is a wife, mother, pediatrician, and runner (among other things!). She adores her husband and five children and passionately disciples and encourages women in their faith and homeschooling.

More About Gretchen


Tell us about your family, your children, and the daily life of your home.           

I live in Coastal North Carolina with my husband of 22 years and our five children ages 5 to 17. We’ve homeschooled since our oldest was in kindergarten. Our days begin with coffee and our morning symposium (prayer, hymn, scripture, poetry, and rotating subject read alouds.) With four boys, the rest of our day involves a lot of activity. We love to be out in nature exploring, hiking, running, climbing, and reading in the hammocks.


Tell us when you started to follow Jesus, and about your journey with Him.

I grew up in the church and decided to follow Jesus at a young age. But it wasn’t until I was in my first year of medical school that I fully surrendered my entire life and future into His hands. Before that time I didn’t understand the process of discipleship and sanctification. Since then He has been my daily bread. I love studying the Bible and the life of Christ. I love late night journalling and pouring my heart out to God. I love listening for His still, small voice. He is faithful and has shown me time and time again that he truly is with us wherever we go.



What ministry or work in your community gives you personal fulfillment? 

I love meeting with moms, discussing motherhood, education, books, and life while offering encouragement and sharing lessons I have learned along the way. We all have struggles, and I believe that learning about the love of God and His purposes through those struggles allow us to minister to others out of a place of compassion and empathy.


What hobbies or activities do you most enjoy pursuing in your free time? 

My favorite activities are running (everything from a 5K to a marathon) and reading at the beach. I enjoy talking about books, doing crafty things, and being in nature with my family.



Thinking of books you’ve read, which authors have influenced you most? 

The authors who have influenced me the most are CS Lewis, Sally Clarkson, Henri Nouwen, and Wendell Berry.

When it’s just you, what music or musicians do you most enjoy listening to?

 I love worship music, hymns, folk, and bluegrass. And I most enjoy listening to playlists that my teens send me. 

What books of the Bible, and what specific passages, mean the most to you?

I love the Psalms and the Gospels, but really I have many favorite books through different seasons. One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 4:15-16. I love that Jesus is our Great High Priest and yet He sympathizes with us and wants us to draw near to Him in confidence.


What are you passionate about, and who inspires you to be even more so? 

I am passionate about motherhood, caring and discipling children, and education. And through all of these, walking with Jesus is the core motivation and source. My inner circle friends inspire me, challenge me, and spur me on in my ideals.

How did you first connect with Sally Clarkson and Whole Heart Ministries?

I first heard of Sally Clarkson in the early 2000’s when I read on a mom’s blog that Mission of Motherhood was the book on her nightstand. I had just read a couple of motherhood/parenting books that were harsh and legalistic and broke my heart. I sobbed as I read Mission of Motherhood because Sally was putting in to words the deepest desires of my mom heart that I had never been able to express. After finishing the book, I sent Sally a lengthy email (or two or three) and went to the next Mom Heart conference. I went to a “possibili-tea” at the conference about starting a Mom Heart group and met Sally. We connected and talked several times at the conference. I attended leadership training at her home in Colorado and have been involved with Mom Heart and Whole Heart since.
