Teatime Discipleship Book Club (Week #4)

Why do you think you and your siblings all love the Lord as adults?

Sarah looked at me thoughtfully and then answered, “I think it was the French toast, buttered pecans, and maple syrup!


This has become an oft-repeated story in our family because it reflects our family culture and discipleship philosophy. For our children to learn to love God, they must see our love for God in the way we sing around the house, the way we sip a cool drink on the porch while enjoying the summer flowers, and at the “Kiss me goodnight?” bedtime moments.


Sometimes I think Christians feel guilty about enjoying life too much, as though God is more pleased with service, seriousness, or a somber expression. Yet God intended that we as adults enjoy our days and find satisfaction in them. As we walk hand in hand with God, we are intended to experience pleasure and fulfillment. If we see passing on faith as a mere obligation, our lives will overflow with duty and pressure, and we will become discouraged and weary. God did not make us to be slaves of works, and God didn’t make us to use us—He is complete. God wanted sons and daughters to love, communicate with, and engage with. He wants to enjoy and be close to us as a parent longs to be near  beloved children. He created a gorgeous world to enjoy, food to feast on, experiences to enjoy. One of my children told me, “Mama, I’m so glad our God is the God of puppy dogs, spicy fajitas, and music to dance to.

We must perceive the proper vision of His love and commitment to us if we are to pass on a faith that will engage the people around us. Will we model a faith of resigned endurance or delighted enthusiasm?


Discipleship becomes a dependable rhythm in our homes. It is woven into every moment of family life—when we rise up, when we sit down, whenever we are alone with our children, and when we gather together as an entire family. It is not just about passing on doctrine or theological concepts, but about relationship, love, and beauty.


Like you, I’ve gone through times when I can’t seem to get anything together. Life demands so much of us, and every kind of catastrophe—from broken bones to broken hearts—seems to pile on all the more during the seasons when we can’t manage one more thing. God wants us to find joy and peace even in these times.


We often suffer under the illusion that if we get enough massages, find the right counselor, or hire a housecleaning service, we’ll have peace. But our contentment can’t depend on any outside circumstances. No massage can make you strong. No counselor can move you forward. No housekeeper can give you the uncluttered spirit you long for. You have to decide that you have the capacity, the ability to keep going. One more day. One more step.


I have never perfectly lived up to my ideals. But if I’ve shown God’s love to anyone, it’s because I believed it was more important than any other aspect of my faith. We don’t always have to feel like loving, we just need to act in a loving way. 


On days when I just didn’t want to prepare my home to welcome women, when I felt awkward inviting a near-stranger to tell me her story, when I could hardly handle another day of children’s interruptions, I remembered that the God who loved us to the end of Himself chose to put our paths together, and if I took delight in the Lord, I could also take delight in His creations. Often, I would take one more step of obedience and watch God show up beyond my expectations.


This week, on the Life With Sally Book Club, we will be chatting about how cultivating a life filled with beautiful rhythms, life-giving rituals, and attitudes of gratefulness shapes our hearts and minds amid the storms and helps us press forward in faith.


Don’t miss last week’s video! I added it again below!


Step One: If you haven't yet purchased your copy of the book, you can click the link below to grab one!

Step Two: Read Section 4: Sacred Days in Teatime Discipleship

Step Three: Read the questions for this week (at the bottom of this email) click over to the forum (the button to the post is in the email, as well!), and post your answers. I'll pick someone who posted in the forum for the book club to gift a new copy of the deluxe edition of Mom Heart Moments.

Step Four: To go deeper with what you're reading and discussing, you can download the Heart of Hospitality journal, listen to my exclusive podcast episode, or even participate in the all-new retreat (all four sessions)! You can utilize all of the resources, or just what meets you where you are right now. 


This Week's Reading: Section 4: Sacred Days


After you read this week's reading assignment, hop over to the Life With Sally Forum (button below) to join the discussion for our book club! Here is what we will be thinking, discussing, and pondering over on the forum:


Question #1

The rhythms of tradition, of coming together in celebration year in and year out, show us that we belong to one another, and that we belong to God. Whatever tradition you cultivate in your home and community, let it be one that puts a stamp of remembrance on your heart, and one that ties family and friends close together.


What traditions and celebrations have you cultivated in your home, family or community? How have they impacted your family? How can you cultivate new ones that knit your family's hearts to one another?


Question #2

The apostle Paul famously described love in 1 Corinthians 13. The words are familiar—patient, kind, believes all things, hopes all things. Take a few moments to read the passage, maybe aloud with a friend, or perhaps in a translation you’re not accustomed to. Let the beauty of these truths sur- prise and touch you anew.


Now, write your own description of God’s love for us. What adjectives might you use to describe God’s forgiveness? What images will you use to illustrate His mercy? Make this description a hymn of praise


Question #3

We are a picture of God’s sacrificial love to the minds, souls, and hearts of those He entrusts into our hands. After spending the last four weeks together, who has God put on your heart to disciple? How can you take one small step forward to reaching out to them?

All Teatime Discipleship Book Club Posts