Meet Misty Krasawski

Misty is a mother of eight and grandmother of three. Misty loves to minister to her family as well as gather women for encouragement. She has taught Mom Heart groups for years and also loves to teach groups of children. Misty has a heart for family.

More About Misty


Tell us about your family, your children, and the daily life of your home.           

I’m a mama of ten when counting my two lovely daughters-in-law, and a grandmother of three. My house is still full of children somehow even though four have moved on to their own homes—we seem to borrow other people’s to make up for the loss! We love our new home here in Franklin, just south of Nashville, Tennessee.


Tell us when you started to follow Jesus, and about your journey with Him.

I’ve walked with Jesus since I was a young child, though my adeptness at that following has had its ups and downs. He is the foundation and root of all I know and do, and I cannot imagine life without Him. Thankfully, He continues to teach me and lead me and I pray I am becoming a better follower every day!


What ministry or work in your community gives you personal fulfillment? 

My husband and I love missions work and serve with various nonprofit ministries especially in Africa. I have so enjoyed my ministry as an encourager to mamas for over two decades, now! Teaching groups of kids both in my home, at church, and elsewhere has also brought a lot of joy; to hear a buzz of voices excitedly sharing with one another makes my heart quite happy.


What hobbies or activities do you most enjoy pursuing in your free time? 

Reading, baking, studying, gardening, sewing, and painting are my favorite ways to spend time whenever I can find a spare moment!


Thinking of books you’ve read, which authors have influenced you most? 

I think I’ve been incredibly influenced by the works of so many, it’s hard to choose! Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, which I read as a very young child leading a very different life than the one I experienced there, painted a lovely picture of what family and home could and should be and cast a vision for my own future. Visiting their home, Orchard House, in Concord was a great delight, and there I picked up Louisa’s mother’s diary as well as a book chronicling days at her father’s school, offering further inspiration and also some cautionary tales. We call the school group that meets at my home “Castlefield” as a mashup of the name of my street, Castlebury Court, and Plumfield, the home/school Jo started for boys in Little Men, so you can see it’s a lasting influence!

When it’s just you, what music or musicians do you most enjoy listening to?

 I realize this sounds odd, but my Spotify list will reveal I have a great penchant for both Classical music and … Taylor Swift. Here I stand, I can do no other.

What books of the Bible, and what specific passages, mean the most to you?

I love the Bible so much and again, this is such a difficult question to answer! Isaiah’s poetic imagery is so powerful and prophetic that it always inspires me; chapter 61 in particular with its talk of rebuilding ancient foundations and restoring ruined cities brings me to my knees and offers a wonderful vision for family mission. Psalm 27:4 is my life verse:

“One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord
And to meditate in His temple.”

Most recently, 2 Timothy 4’s passage where Timothy is encouraged to preach the word and be faithful in his ministry has spoken quite loudly to my heart.

What are you passionate about, and who inspires you to be even more so? 

It probably sounds quite predictable, but the things I’d say I’m most passionate about are the Lord, the Bible, and my family. I could study and talk about them forever (and do, if you ask the people who live with me!) Regularly inspiring me are stories of missionaries, my dear mother-in-law who loves Jesus with all her heart, the Clarkson family, and people in need, who I feel a responsibility to be ready to serve in some way.

How did you first connect with Sally Clarkson and Whole Heart Ministries?

Around 2005, I attended a conference in Texas where I was able to meet Sally, and later I was part of a group that met at her home in Colorado for a weekend of training. Basically (and gratefully) I’ve worked for her ever since!
