Latest Awaking Wonder Unit

This month, using Bible study and the examples created in book characters, we are going to learn about contentment. Fostering the quality of contentment in your family leads to many other spiritual blessings. A content heart is a thankful heart. A content spirit is a peaceful spirit. A content family is a joyful family. For moms, we have suggested a classic novel that also follows a theme of contentment. In that case, discontent leads the title character to destruction while another character's pursuit of contentment leads to faith in God and a life well lived.

Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength Homeschool Planner

As you pray and plan for your homeschool, we hope this homeschool planner encourages and equips you to mentor hearts, strengthen minds, and disciple souls.

Awaking Wonder at Home: Video Series


Awaking Wonder at Home

Twelve video visits with Sally Clarkson to celebrate Awaking Wonder

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