The Mission of Motherhood Book Club (Week #1)

A while back, I had a precious conversation with a young, idealistic mama who said, "I just went upstairs for three minutes to put up laundry and when I came down, my three-year-old had used a permanent marker to draw all over the naked body of my eighteen-month-old, and then she went on to color on my favorite blouse— as well as the carpet! I thought to myself, 'Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life? Take care of these children? Stay home by myself and do this day in and day out? Am I not more talented than this? Will I never have a bigger life?'"

I sympathized with her, even as I giggled at her story! How I know those feelings. So many mamas struggle with isolation as they spend much of their time at home. I want you to know today that you are not alone! God loves you so much and is so proud of the ways you are bringing life and beauty into your home. He knows your struggles. He sees you and your need to be loved and appreciated and filled up.

If I could, I would have you into my little living room right now for tea and chocolate. But since that's not possible this very moment, I am hoping you will find the encouragement and inspiration you need to live in God's fruitful and fulfilling design for motherhood as we study The Mission of Motherhood over the next few weeks. 

This week, you and I will be walking through the first two chapters of TheMission of Motherhood in the Life With Sally forum. I've also included a legacy talk from Life With Sally on Embracing the Mission of Motherhood and a scripture journal to help you dive into the questions at the end of each chapter.

I'm praying for you. You are a woman of great worth because you are giving your life to bring His life to your precious children. May He give wind to your sails and guide you through your journey with generous faith and unfailing love.

This Week's Reading:

Introduction, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2

After you read this week's reading assignment, hop over to the Life With Sally Forum (button below) to join the discussion for our book club! Here is what we will be thinking, discussing, and pondering over on the forum:


Question #1

On page 13, I write: “We mothers have the opportunity to influence eternity by building a legacy in the lives of our children. Through our teaching and influence, morality can be learned and modeled, love and kindness are taught and recieved, purpose and vision are ignited and passed on. The real ability of a mother to secure a spiritual legacy based on the strength of her relationship with her child.” 

Take a moment and thing about the relationship you enjoy with your children and inventory in the following areas. How can you grow in any of these areas to help you reach your child's heart for Christ? What is one thing you can do this week to create a stronger, more connected relationship with your child and begin to craft a spiritual legacy in their lives?

  • Unconditional love and acceptance

  • Spiritual nurture and discipleship

  • Heritage of family and traditions

  • Mental stimulation from excellent sources of truth and inspiration

  • Physical and emotional security

  • Lifegiving words spoken over and to them

Question #2

On page 14, I write: “Over the years I have come to realize something else about my role as a mother. As important as my role is, and as important as my children are, they are not to be the center of my life, and my central calling is not motherhood. That would not only make for very selfish children but could even become a form of idolatry. My calling as a mother is the same any other Christian's: to fulfill God's will for our lives and to glorify Him.” 


Over the next few weeks, as a we seek to rediscover and reclaim the Biblical design for motherhood, I'd like us to take time to intentionally delight in God, worship Him, and praise Him as we seek to live boldly and walk faithfully with Him. How can you make time this week to praise, worship, or delight in God? Why do you think it's important as a mother to make that time? How do you think both you, and your family, will benefit from making this a priority? 


Question #3

In chapter two, I discuss the Biblical role of the family. On page 32, I write: "Today, however, for a variety of reasons, that concept or traditional motherhood is rapidly being lost. Practically speaking, the ideas that marriage is a partnership with a purpose, that children are a blessing to be cherished, and that home and children should be a woman's primary responsibility have come to be scorned or simply dismissed as irrelevant. This attitude, I believe, has developed to the great detriment of women, children, families, and society in general."


Spend a few moments and evaluate your own attitudes toward family, marriage, and motherhood. Do you believe that children are a blessing to be cherished? What do you believe your primary role is as a wife or mother? What about those around you? Are there any ways you have allowed society's view of motherhood to creep into your own views? If so, take a few moments to pray that God will guide you in wisdom and turn your heart to His vision for your family.

All Mission of Motherhood Book Club Posts